Monday, 9 November 2009

Monday Morning

Another Monday, what will this week bring? It's been rather unsettling here recently health-wise. I had my scan last Tuesday and was told that result would be sent to my doctor in 7-14 days, I have an appointment to see my doctor this afternoon about my ulcer but she may not have the results in yet. I get occasional pain from the lump but when I do it lasts almost until I go to bed, most days though it doesn't give me any problems, it's just the size of it that bothers me, it's about as big as a tennis ball!

Also my youngest daughter Rhiannon has to have some checks at the hospital because she has abnormal bleeding, she doesn't seem too worried about it thankfully, I think I'm doing the worrying for her although of course I don't let her know that. The doctor asked her if there was any colon cancer in the family and she said there wasn't but my grandfather died of stomach cancer and I keep thinking of that, Rhiannon didn't know that.

Then last week her little Sofia who's 5, told her that sometimes her eyes went 'fuzzy'. Rhiannon thought it best to take her to the opticians which she did straight from school. After testing her eyes they asked Rhiannon to take her back again the next day when they would put dome drops in her eyes and test them again, the following morning she had a phone call from the optician saying that he'd spoken to two of his colleagues and they all thought it would be best for Sofia to be seen at the hospital and they would get a letter sent off. Rhiannon had a letter from the hospital asking her to phone in to make an appointment, the earliest one she could get is for 29th December!! So I am also worried about Sofia as well. There is talk about closing our local hospital and I get so annoyed when we have to wait so long to be seen.

Because of all the uncertainty we have decided not to go to France in early December after all, I don't think I'd be at my best, it's times like this that I just want to be near to my family and be on hand should they need me. Instead we'll be going to my friend Linda's for a few days, we didn't get to go last weekend after all because she wasn't well, so we have that to look forward to.

Peter has been very busy in the house, he decorated the hall, stairs and landing in three days three weeks ago and then two weekends ago he decorated our bedroom. Every eight weeks he gets a three-day weekend off work and the following week a five-day weekend and if we're not going away he feels as though he has to make the most of it! After he did the bedroom I had a good sort through my clothes and have now got a few bags for the charity shop....but why doesn't my wardrobe look emptier?!

Well a short entry as I have lots of things to do today in the house, Peter will be home from work about midday and then I want to get some shopping before my doctor's appointment
I hope you all have a good week!



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope your week is a good one. I'll be praying for you and your family. We mom's do tend to worry about our children even when they don't. I do hope all turns out for the best.

LYN said...


Marie Rayner said...

So nice to see a post from you Pat. Will keep your family in my prayers and am hoping all works out well. Us mom's can never turn it off can we? I wouldn't have it any other way though!